It shares peeks at things like what your character looks like before you customize your appearance, what areas look like before you enter, a sneaky developer trick hiding below vendors, and more.And to make this is a nice Bethesda-themed post, an older episode uncovering the secrets of the developer’s latest hit Fallout 4 can also be found below. In the latest episode of “ Boundary Break,” a video series in which YouTube user Shesez takes video game fans to places they can’t reach while playing to discover hidden secrets, Bethesda Game Studios’ instant classic The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is explored. Bethesda Game Studios - Doom Marine Armor Oh Deer - Textures Kung Fu Guy - general help.
Have plans to make armor thinner and will try to make transparent glass for the helmet. For now, just a couple of paint jobs and small issue fixes. This will be ongoing project to make Bethesda's Doom Marine Armor a bit better. The game is pretty much like OG Doom- Pixel graphics, gunplay and movement but has a post apocalytic open-ish world.
Recently a story mini game called Revolted was added to Fallout as a mini game.
Mods are an integral part of the PC eco system and there are alwasy people coming up with the weirdest and most fun ideas to mod games to their liking.